The new way of minor asbestos removal. Efficient, safe and more convenient!
Less space
No masks
and white overalls
Less time
Less nuisance
MiniContainment is best utilised in the removal of asbestos from minor spaces, such as windowsills, floor hatches in houses or gaskets and ducts in industrial areas.
“With regards to Occupational Health and Safety Management, this technique has huge advantages for the asbestos removal workers themselves. And causes far less nuisance for the residents. Furthermore it’s less disturbing, no huge containment units are placed, and no safety ribbons. “
John Schattefor, Inspection Officer Woonwenz Venlo
“In the business of asbestos removal we always rely on the best known technology . For the removal of asbestos windowsills, MiniContainment is top notch”
Harry Vonk, Asbetos Expert Teamplayer
“Residents can just stay in their room when astbestos is being removed. We as inspectors can easily inspect the work in progress in the home, that was impossible before.”
Ruud Gerards,
Woonservice Urbanus