
Is the MiniContainment Method in compliance with all legal requirements?

Yes. MiniContainment has been carefully tested and inspected by the applicable authorities. The Dutch SZW inspection (former labour inspectorate) has already carried out multiple inspections, all of which were without any abnormalities found. In the framework of the labour hygienic strategy, the Inspectorate claims that this method is a significant improvement of working conditions for the workers.


Can any asbestos removal company use the MiniContainment Method?

No. Only certified asbestos removal companies (SC-530) licensed to use MiniContainment Nederland BV can use this method.


How can I become a licensee?

By contacting us so we can discuss the admission conditions and the procedure to follow. MiniContainment was introduced to the market in 2016, and in this first year we cooperate with only a limited number of licensees.


Can I buy a MiniContainement?

No. MiniContainments will be made available to licensees per project. This gives us the opportunity to examine whether the MiniContainments still meet all quality requirements after use.


Is MiniContainment a proven method?

Yes. Since 2015 asbestos removal has been successfully and safely performed using a MiniContainment. Several independent laboratories have conducted measurements in different work spaces and each time provided an asbestos clearance report for the work space. Earlier inspections by competent authorities also indicate that the MiniContainment Method is in accordance with all legal requirements and standards.


Can MiniContainment be used to construct a new transit duct through, for example, an asbestos-containing roof boarding?

Although we believe that creating a new transit duct can be done safely with MiniContainment, this is (still) not possible. In the Asbestos Products Decree you can find a passage about it not being allowed to process asbestos or materials containing asbestos. And making a hole through an asbestos plate to place a new transit duct is considered as such. But on behalf of several housing associations we initiated discussions with the authorities on this matter.


Is there a "scaling back" involved?

No. Each time that MiniContainment is used, an independent laboratory implements a measurement to release the workplace. The MiniContainment comes with connections for these measuring devices. This ensures clients, but also residents or users of this space, that after the asbestos removal the room is safe. We consider MiniContainent to be an alternative to in-house remediation risk class 2 and 3, and outdoor remediation risk class 3.


How is the underpressure created in a MiniContainment?

We don’t need specific low pressure machines. We use a vacuum cleaner, fitted with a HEPA14 filter, to create low pressure between about 80 and 250 Pa. As a result, air is circulated many times faster compared to the traditional method. Dislodged asbestos fibers are easily sucked up and collected by the Hepa14 filter. The high negative pressure creates sufficient 'flow' everywhere, leaving no dead spots where possible dislodged fibers could remain behind.


What is the minimum size of a MiniContainment?

In order to work in a MiniContainment, we believe that employees should at least be able to work with both hands in the MiniContainment. And of course, the MiniContainment should provide sufficient working space. We have developed a MiniContainment to remove gaskets in flanges. Its size of 50cm x 30cm x 50 cm is for now considered by us the smallest MiniContainment.

More information? 

Contact Dennis Kierkels, CEO